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Home Videos & Articles Club Med Ixtapa Mexico

Club Med Ixtapa Mexico

Do you want to get away to an exotic resort while staying relatively close to home? Club Med’s all-inclusive resort in Ixtapa Mexico is the place for you!  Ranked as the number 2 Club Med Resort in the entire world, Ixtapa is an affordable and unique location to take the entire family for a memorable vacation. I am lucky enough to have visited Ixtapa with my family last August.

We took a short flight from LAX to Zihuatanejo airport, which is a short drive away from the resort. Upon arrival, we were greeted by employees who cared about each individual residing at their resort. They took the time to introduce themselves and ask how our day of travel had been. The resort is absolutely breathtaking from the minute you arrive. It is located on a beautiful private beach with small waves and warm water. The lush and verdant gardens are absolutely breath taking and deserve a close up look later in your stay.

 Before we could even check into our room it becomes evident that the resort is perfect for children and adults. The children’s club, pools, mini golf and much more give kids an endless amount of things to accomplish before the trip is over. Adults and Parents can enjoy the many sports and activities Club Med has to offer such as flying trapeze and circus activities, kayaking, beach volleyball, deep sea fishing and many, many more. The activities are endless which was my favorite part of the entire trip. There was never a dull moment and I was always anxious to try something new so I could make this vacation as memorable as possible.

Now what’s a vacation without a little excursion to a private island just a short boat ride away from your bedroom? Well this resort has just that and it is something I enjoyed very much. As we arrived to this private island I enjoyed a deluxe meal of crab, lobster, and shrimp at the beach while my mom rented a jet ski for the family. We also took time to snorkel the clear waters, ride a banana boat, made plans to swim with the dolphins the next day, and take a boat back to the resort all before the sun had set.

All of this was very fun but it can drain your energy so we relaxed in the newly renovated, air-conditioned rooms just seconds away from the ocean. As I slept soundly my mom spent a little time at the prestigious bars where she indulged in some drinks while socializing with the friendly bartenders and guests.  We then went to dinner where the food was native and the service was sound. And we ended nearly every day relaxing next to the heated pools where any type of drink was served while we relaxed on the chase lounge chairs and enjoyed the very mild weather. This resort is a must visit for any family looking to relax and enjoy outdoor activities! 



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